Thursday, January 6, 2011

Z. Johnson: Blog Post 2

This is an ad for AXE body spray. The ad depicts an attractive, blonde woman with an imprint of a steering wheel on her back. She appears to be adjusting the bottom of her swimsuit, as if she has just pulled it up. In the bottom, right-hand corner, it says "It can happen anywhere", along with a can of AXE body spray and the phrase "The new longer lasting AXE effect". This ad is clearly saying that the woman has just had sex. "It" is referring to sex, and "anywhere" was obviously in a car. The phrase, "It can happen anywhere", is referring to the sexual intercourse, and the AXE can leads the observer to believe that the "AXE effect" was the cause of the random sex. The woman appears to be overlooking a city, which shows that the sex was random because it was not in a bed or anywhere that sexual activity normally takes place. The woman is smirking, and the look on her face makes it seem as if she was impressed by the man. The ad is saying that if you use AXE body spray, women will want you. It says that you won't have to date or even know the women, and they will throw themselves at you-even in a random city in a car.

1 comment:

  1. AXE body spray is known for their advertisements, normal man sprays on AXE and is instantly surrounded by seductive women crawling all over his body. This ad is taking a different approach, but with the same overall meaning. That a spray of AXE can cause random sexual activity in anywhere from and unknown setting inside of a car.
