Wednesday, January 12, 2011

Grevenkamp - Paraphrase x3

"People may emit flirtatious cues and not be fully aware of how powerful they are." (Paragraph 6 of Luscombe's article)

1) Although people may flirt, they might not know how much of an impact they have on others.
2) While flirting, someone may pick up more of a meaning to the flirtatious cue than you may have meant to send.
3) Flirtatious cues may be taken farther than they are meant to be.

Possible thesis: "Flirting 'is a way of testing one's mate-value and the possibility of alternatives--actually trying to see if someone might be available as an alternative...' " (Paragraph 10 of Luscombe's article)

Free write: This sentence talks about the affect flirting can have. It says that people may be flirting to see how the other person may be in the long run, not knowing the effect it could have now. You may be giving off the wrong impression and not even be knowing it. The other person may think you are looking for a long-term relationship while, in reality, you are just looking for one fun night.

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