Friday, January 7, 2011

The next source I chose is a Tom Ford ad. The image shows a handsome gentlemen dressed nicely in a Tom Ford suit. In his left hand he holds a cigar and beer. Standing next to him is a very attractive women. She is tall, slim, tan and wearing nothing. The women is also grabbing the groin of the gentlemen and enjoying it. The ad contains the things men seem to favor. The clothing suggests wealth and attractiveness which are important to a man's feeling of superiority. A beer and cigar are common indulgences of a man. Finally, men are attracted to beautiful women. It's apparent the women is attracted to the man because of the area of his body in which she chose to grab and the intensity in her arm and facial expression. The ad seems to suggest that wearing the clothing seems to get men everything they want. The naked women is what is most noticeable in the ad and what will draw in consumers. The suit is an ivory color which fades into the white background. Her tanned body contrasts the white and ivory. This ad is one of many that uses sex appeal to sell its products. Love come from an attractiveness to something and that attractiveness is brought about by things that catch our attention.


  1. This ad is clearly aimed at men. This man seems to be wealthy and good looking. I think this ad is another ad that objectifys women and the attention does not focus on the selling of clothing. Your attention is immediately drawn to the women and you forget about what they are trying to sell.

  2. I think this ad would work well in selling a product for men. The naked woman draws in the eyes of men, and the suit sells because it is really nice. I also feel that with this girl grabbing his groin it almost sends the message that if men wear this suit then they will have women all over them and wanting them.

  3. Another thing to take into consideration for this add is that it is more likely than geared towards men. A naked attractive female will draw a mans attention before it will a womans.
