Wednesday, January 5, 2011

GREVENKAMP - Primary Sources Summeries

This is a link to the lyrics of the song "Fifteen" by Taylor Swift. This song is about the struggles and problems that girls starting and already in high school go through. It talks about the need girls feel to belong and feel accepted to all the other girls around them. The song describes the way girls fall under peer pressure and willing to do anything for the love and want from guys. In the lyrics, Taylor says "In your life you'll do things greater than dating the boy on the football team, but I didn't know it at fifteen". In this line, she is saying that when you are young, you will do things you would not normally do because you want to be friends with the "popular" group. This relates to our theme because pop culture tells girls that it is ok to do things with guys and that it is "normal".

This is the link to the lyrics to the song "Lookin' for a Good Time" by Lady Antebellum. This song is about 2 grown adults who out socializing one night. They are both only out to have a one night stand and not for a long term relationship. This song shows how our culture and society finds it acceptable to be with one person only for a night and to not feel bad about it. It is ok to have multiple instances like this as well. In the chorus, they sing "How 'bout baby we make a promise, to not promise anything more than one night. Complicated situations, only get worse in the morning light. Hey, I'm just lookin' for a good time". In these lines, they are demonstrating that it is perfectly acceptable to just be together for one night and then not talk or be with that person anymore. That it is a casual thing and that there is no meaning or feeling attached to it.


  1. In today's society casual sex and one night stands are not only acceptable, but happen quite frequently. More people than not have experienced this. I wish i could list all the songs that talk about one night stands and casual sex, but there are to many. In most rappers lyrics they not only talk about it, they glorify it. Which is telling the youth of today that it is acceptable.

  2. I agree that young girls do feel the need to fit in and be accepted by their peers. All kids are this way. But i personally feel like the line, "In your life you'll do things greater than dating the boy on the football team, but I didn't know it at fifteen," is referring to her accomplishments in life. She will accomplish so many more feats than dating some boy who she will probably surpass in success.

    I agree with Noah that today's society widely accepts one night stands. The age which they're occuring at is decreasing as well. Many people prefer one night stands because they'd rather not have feelings involved. Relationships fail and nobody wants to deal with that so they've found an alternative. Also, people rarely have time to date anymore with our fast-paced world. They're constantly on the go. This type of action between people is common and is being glorified in the media.
