Wednesday, January 12, 2011

Fox... "The Science of Romance:Why We Flirt"

" who bed ovulating women have a greater chance of procreating and passing on those flirty genes, which means those babies will have more babies, and so on." (Paragraph Six)

  • Research shows that men who have sexual relations with a woman who are currently ovulating have a better chance of passing on flirty genes to that child.
  • As a result of passing on these flirty genes to the child, that child will be more likely to have more children.
  • If each born child grows old and continues this cycle of having sexual relations with ovulating women the flirt gene will continue to pass on, and each child will have even more babies.

Thesis : "Flirtation is a game we play, a dance for which everyone knows the moves." (Paragraph Eight)

Freewrite: I think it is interesting how scientists can take a simple game we play, such a flirting and turn it into a research statement. This bit of reaserch is so interesting to me, that just by having sexal relations with an ovulating woman you will pass on the flirt gene to your child. I also wonder, if all humans knew this statement would it change the time in which they partake in sexual intercourse? For example, if a man wanted to pass on a flirting gene to his child would he actually wait until his partner was ovulating?

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