Thursday, January 6, 2011

Flannery 2 sources

This image shows 2 attractive women in winter clothing, except they are wearing no top. They are holding up a sign saying 'drink Svedka', which is also covering their torsos. On the right, there is a picture of a bottle of Svedka. This image associates attractive, naked women with Svedka and implies that they want you to drink it.

This ad shows the "Vail" logo in front of a warm, cozy fire. This is supposed to make the reader feel like they are in a comfortable environment while thinking about the company. Above the logo is the statement 'A love for life.' This suggests that company would be just like a real life partner without the insecurity or vulnerably. It promises a relationship that lasts a lifetime.


  1. Ads like the Svedka advertisement are all over the place. It probably does attract some customers with the way they portray alcohol and women. I have to say that I like Svedka, but I have never seen any half naked woman appear out of nowhere when I'm drinking it. Then again, blacking out after drinking too much makes you forget.

  2. I guess the first one can be seen all over the world. The main purpose might be making people drink their products. Even if I do not like drinking, I have to say I have never seen this ads in my culture. The second one also might be seen from time to time, however I have never seen this ads in my culture.
