Friday, January 7, 2011

Primary Sources

I believe Taylor Swift's White Horse, truly breaks down love in pop culture. Since I was a little girl, culture has laid out the perfect fairytale ending for my personal love story. Through sources such as fairytale books and Hollywood movies, I have come to a sense of what love is suppose to be like, as I am sure other girls have too. We are all smacked into a brutal reality when relationships come to an unexpected end. This is the message Taylor Swift is trying to get across through her lyrics, and I believe she does a beautiful job. In this particular song, Taylor falls into love with a boy and she just can not get enough of him. However, she soon learns that the boy of her dreams has been cheating on her. Taylor's lyrics are very powerful and really 'depict what society has told her to be a perfect love story, "I'm not a princess, this ain't a fairytale, I'm not the one you'll sweep of her feet, lead her up the stairwell, this ain't Hollwood, this is a small town, I was a dreamer before you went and let me down." These lyrics are the chorus of the song and demonstrate how pop culture has effected the lives of girls to believe that all love has a fairytale ending.

Although the advertisment was rejected because it was feared the scars would be to shcking for viewers, the Breast Cancer Fund attempted to advise the public of the dangers of breast cancer. As the advertisement suggests, todays pop culture is obssesed with breasts; as a result, advertisments are showcasing them. Therefore, this particular advertisment may lure in viewers because at first glance viewers may not realize the scar, but are shocked into a brutal reality when they come across the meaning of the advertisement. The advertisement also gives a sense to Victoria's Secret advertisements, with the print at the top including the word secret, also this font is the same as a real Victoria's Secret ad. In my opinion, this advertisement makes its point very clearly and creates a strong effect.

1 comment:

  1. Many books and songs all have the same feel to them and that is of a fairytale romance. That is one part of them that get people to read or listen to them. But as Britny said, this fairytale thought come crashing down when girls when are in their own relationships. When i first listened to this song, it took me a moment to actually understand what the lyrics were saying. It sounds like it should be a love song when really it is almost the complete opposite.

    When I first saw this ad, I was surprised that it had been rejected. Victoria's Secret is known for showing skin in the magazines. The only difference to this one is that there is a scar and they are trying to raise awareness. I agree with the fact that it creates a very strong effect.
