Wednesday, January 12, 2011

Paraphrase x3

"Flirting is a little like taking out mating insurance."

1. Flirting creates back ups just in case your current relationship fails.

2. Flirting opens up more opportunities for relationships.

3. Flirting with others gives us security for when your relationship doesn't work.

Thesis of the article: "The thing that propels many already committed people to ply the art of woo, however, is often not doubt. It's curiousity."


Like the passage says we all flirt whether we are in a relationship or not. The reason for this is because we might feel insecure about our relationships or we are just curious as to who else we might be capable of attracting. Sometimes when we flirt we aren't really interested in the person with whom we are flirting, but we are just seeing if they may be interested in us. When others respond to your flirtation it makes you feel more socially confident in different kinds of situations as well.

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