Tuesday, February 22, 2011

Meet Emilia!- Public Writing/ Blogger Workshop


Check out Emilia's biography on her running blog, Run for Your Life!

Read the following posts, and consider the following questions. How does Emilia construct her ethos differently in these posts? What kind of expertise does she draw on for each, and how does she communicate this? How might you compare and contrast the rhetorical goals of these articles? What do you think the main challenges of running a personal blog might be, compared to those involved with working for a publication? Why?

Post 1: http://www.caffeinatedrunner.com/2011/02/look-at-my-winter-morning-running.html
Post 2: http://www.caffeinatedrunner.com/2011/01/six-snowy-miles-through-astoria-and-i.html
Post 3: http://www.caffeinatedrunner.com/2011/01/on-running-like-girl-or-getting-chicked.html
Post 4: http://www.caffeinatedrunner.com/2010/11/nyc-marathon-recap.html
Post 5: http://journals.lww.com/nephrologytimes/Fulltext/2010/12000/Presumed_Consent__More_Deceased_Donor_Kidney.6.aspx

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