Sunday, February 6, 2011

Group 3 Blog Post

This commerical, that we found on YouTube, is saying that beer makes any woman beautiful. It is saying that beer can make even the not so attractive woman, beautiful and appealing. A few comments that people said about this commercial are "He would need about a case and a half lol," and "The Infamous 'Beer Goggles' at work."

This commercial takes on the rhetoric of love and romance in pop culture pretty clearly. It is saying that if you drink enough alcohol, any woman can be the most beautiful, sexy woman that you want or dream of. It proposes that as long as you drink the alcohol, the woman will be your fantasy. The music also builds up to the point where the woman is the most attractive and kind of goes down hill from there. Ultimatly, the commerical is saying the more you drink, the more attractive women get.

Another interesting aspect of this video is how happy the man gets when his woman is getting more attractive as he drinks more. He gets so excited that his girl is looking better and better every time he takes a drink. Then, at the end when she is back to being her normal self and his beer is gone, he asks for another one to make the woman turn back into his idea of attractive. In a sense, he needs more alcohol to make women attractive, sexy, and beautiful.


  1. I think this commercial was degrading to women. It is yet another situation where men judge women. Beauty is in the eye of the beholder. The woman that the man thought was pretty after drinking the beer, may not be pretty to other men. It all depends on how someone views beauty. I also do not think that this commercial was successful at selling its product. All a viewer can really tell is that the advertisement is for beer, not what kind of beer.

  2. Although this commercial is morally wrong I believe it is still effective. The commercial makes it seem as if they are marketing the beer towards men because of the idea that men want their girlfriends to look better. But it could also be marketing towards women who want their boyfriends to think they look better. If women see this commercial they may feel the need to buy their husband this beer because they feel like this is what he wants.

  3. I really do not think this advertisement was effective towards its ideal audience. I actually still do not know what product this advertisement is for. It does put across its message that beer makes any women beautiful; however, what is the commercial doing to personally advertise this particular product? Although I can not directly relate, I guess I still don't find this commercial effective, why would I want to drink something that effects my vision of what people look like around me?

  4. Not only is this ad offensive because the man is drinking to make his own woman look better, but it objectifies woman pretty extremely. He doesn't want to keep drinking the beer because it tastes good, for all we know, it could taste horrible. He is drinking the beer because everytime he takes a sip, his woman gets sexier and sexier, and the more sexy she gets the more willing to have sex she gets. At the last gulp her sleeve is pulled down to expose her shoulder. The woman at the beginning is reading, by drinking, the man takes the woman away from her studying and makes her into this woman ready to have sex. This objectifies women by saying women aren't good for reading and studying and using their brains, but they are good for sex.

  5. I think that the way to judge this advertisement is not necessarily from the moralaity standpoint, but rather from the perspective of how effective the ad is. The creator of this ad has the primary goal to get the product name into the public's minds'. I think they this goal is achieved here, as the controversial issue of alcohol and love helps the viewer remember what is being advertised. Although the comercial does not reveal a lot of informtion about the product, it does a satisfactory job of allowing the public to remember the brand name.

  6. I thought that the commercial was entertaining. I believe that if the company had a larger logo somewhere in the commercial that it would be more effective at selling the product. How I interpret what they are saying about the beer is that it is strong. How many times do you see people getting "beer goggles" after just one beer?
    I do agree though that it is disrespectful to women because of how the woman was portrayed. Starting our as unattractive and progressing to something that the man found acceptable.

  7. I think that the ad is persuasive to the male audience. It suggests that the beer assists the male audience in getting a chance to entertain.
    The more the man drinks a beer, the more the appearance of the female model reaches the ideal idea of the man; the female becomes more sexually atractive. It is helpful for the ad not only to draw attention from the male audience easily but also to indicate the fantasy of men in the ad to promote the product.

  8. Although the ad is unsuccessful it is not because the idea of the ad is bad. If the author ad thought to mention the type of beer more than once (at the end of the ad) it would have stuck with the viewer better. The ad is funny, and although it objectifies women, it is effective because of that. The audience of the ad would be people (male or female) who enjoy drinking beer and want to engage in sexual activities. I think that if the ad was a little more well produced, it could have been much more effective.

  9. This commercial is ineffective to me, because it also sheds light on the "beer goggles" effect, and yet it appears the man was on a date with her. If she was so much better after he'd drank beer, wouldn't he need to be drinking beer constantly with her after that? While that idea is possibly what the company was going for, it's very hard to accept because it is so far-fetched and most people know the dangerous side-effects.

  10. The commericail is clearly made for a male audience. The idea is that drinking this type of beer will make the women sitting near you or on a date with you more beautiful. It is clear that that claim is false and no such thing will truely happen. You will always be left with the same woman you saw in the begininning. The only claim the commercial makes is first of all false and secondly does not inform the future consumer watching the ad what the beer tastes like or any useful information. For that matter any type of beer could have the same effect. At the end of the commericial I am not convinced to buy their type of beer and honestly I don't even remember the brand after watching it.

  11. This commercial is offensive because it objectifies women. It degrades women who aren't extremely attractive by saying that men need alcohol to find them attractive. This could have serious effects on someone's self-confidence. I also don't think that this ad is very effective. The brand that was being sold was hardly mentioned at all.

  12. The commercial is not effective. I've watched and I still do not know waht beer it is. I know it is a beer but I dont know what brand it is. The colors used for the name of the beer at the end although white is not very clear. I know it starts with a T and ends in a G and thats all I can see.I think it defeats the main purpose of the commercial

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