Tuesday, February 8, 2011

Individual Blog 4 Post: "Go Daddy Ad: The Contract"

Response to question 5: Does this ad do anything or convince the viewer?

I think the commercial is actually pretty persuasive, persuasive to the wrong crowd for the website, maybe. But, I do remember their name after watching the commercial. Not only do they use sex appeal to appeal to the male viewers, they also use name recognition and repetition to have every viewer remember their brand.

The commercial starts out with two skinny, tall, teased hair, Caucasian, women with long legs and little clothing. This automatically catches the attention of half the population of television watchers, men. These two models are not only “beautiful” they also refer to already performing sexually explicit material including strippers and showering with other women and that the commercial the viewer was about to watch was “crossing the line”. This gets the viewers attention right away, these women are about to do something more than shower with each other! The viewer watches while the models strut onto the set and everyone stares. The models are then shown with only the “Go Daddy” logo on their bodies dancing on a bright orange set. When first watching this ad, I had assumed the commercial was for some sort of website with pornography or sexually explicit material as it suggests. But, they clearly used the idea that sex sells.

The words “Go Daddy”, the name of the website, are repeated or seen on the screen around 13 times. This is a lot considering the commercial is only around a minute and a half. The constant repetition of the name of the site and the visuals of the website itself and the logo keeps the name in your head after finishing the commercial.

With the sex appeal effect and the name repetition, I believe the makers of the commercial will get a good amount of people to go to the website, most likely men, which is ultimately the goal of the commercial. However, since the commercial didn’t once talk about, only wrote in a short sentence, what the websites content was, I doubt many people will stay on or frequently use the website because of this advertisement.


  1. I think that the lack of mentioning what this website is for is intentional. The author of the ad obviously put a lot of time into making the ad very sexualy explicit which catches almost everybody's eyes, for whatever reason. Not mentioning what the website is for leaves a lot of curiosity in the mind of the readers. When I first saw a Go Daddy commercial I was so confused that I went to the website, and in this sense the ads do a very good job at attracting costomers.

  2. I think that the author did a good job of advertising the name of his product. You can watch one commercial and know the name of what they are trying to sell. The use of attractive women in their commercials only makes it stick in my head more. I think that they do a good job of selling their name and making people become interested in their product. The end of their commercials tells what they are selling. It is a short reference to their product but the commercials say the name so many times, I think you get what they are selling very quickly.

  3. As far as getting web page traffic i do agree that they will have new visitors based on the commercial. I dont think that most will go back, but the people who find the product they are marketing useful will indeed return.

  4. I believe the maker of this commercial emphasizes the effect of this commercial, especially by using the slogan-Go Duggy. By using this slogan over and over again, viewers would be able to remember this commercial film well.

  5. It does make less sense to use the "sex sells" idea to advertise a domain name website, especially since godaddy.com is persuading viewers to visit the site to see the rest of the racy commercial that they couldn't air on television, and then hopes that you might also be interested in a domain name after you lose interest in the more sexually explicit content on the website. On a side note, it was also interesting to see that the women in the commercial were more comfortable with acting as stripper cops or showering with other women on television than having to wear a ridiculous costume and dance/sing on stage.

  6. Though the website was not explained enough, I do agree that the name does stay in your head. The way they incorporated sex appeal, male viewers will definitely pay attention to this commercial. I feel that people may even look at the website to see what it is about. However, they would be doing it for the wrong reasons.

  7. The website will get more views after watching this commercial. The makers of this ad really played on the fact that it was going to be mostly men watching this considering it was played during the Super Bowl. The fact that the women were models who had little clothing on made men want to pay attention to this ad. Since they do not really say what the ad is for most people will probably go see what it is all about. The only problem is that when they find out that it is not a site that contains stuff like porn, which the commercial portrays, most people probably will not return.

  8. The creator of the ad did a good job about making sure that the name is remembered. It's said that after repeating something three times, it becomes ingrained in your memory. As you stated, they used the name "Go Daddy" 13 times in their commercial. This is sure to stay with the reader and intrigue their interests. I think that many more people will visit the site just to see what it's about since the ad doesn't do much to tell you exactly what the site is about. Also, they used attractive women to advertise the site and since the ad was for the Super Bowl, many men would be watching and would be attracted to the models. Overall, the creator took into account what sells and played upon that.

  9. The ad is effective to draw attention from the public, and to make them remember the brand logo. The ad does not focus on describing the detailed information about the product, the "godaddy.com." Instead of that, it tells the brand logo repeatedly in an efforts to raise the brand recognition. Furthermore, the ad used the mild sexual-suggestive images and atmosphere to draw attention from the public, to make the public remind the logo.
