Tuesday, February 22, 2011

Meet The Editors of The Lantern- Public Writing/Blogger Workshop


Via Wikipedia: The Lantern is the name of the student-published university newspaper at The Ohio State University. It is one of the largest campus newspapers in the United States.

The paper was chartered in 1881 and became an integral part of the School of Journalism in 1914. At one time in the past, with a circulation of 28,000 papers during the regular school year and readership of 75,000, it was the third largest college newspaper in the country. The Lantern is a laboratory paper that is put together daily by students in the newsroom of the Journalism Building. There are 14 paid editors who change after completion of three academic quarters. The business side of the newspaper is operated by 15 full time employees and 5-7 student Account Executives responsible for advertising sales.

Read information on The Lantern’s current Editor-in-Chief, Zack Meisel’s tenure here. In addition, read four articles from different sections of The Lantern’s homepage in order to get a sense of it’s concerns and ethos. What kind of tone do Zack and his writers maintain throughout the publication? What might be some of the specific challenges of writing for one of the largest student populations in the country? How does newspaper writing compare to other kinds of public writing we’ve read in this class?

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