Thursday, March 3, 2011

Individual post, Group 6 – Question 1

The website that features the Miller Lite commercial is, an online video forum. Its main purpose is to “connect, inform, and inspire others across the globe,” and “act as a distribution platform for original content creators and advertisers.” On the home page, there are multiple sets of videos that the viewer can click on – it has categories such as “spotlight”, “featured”, and “new”. When a person views a couple of videos, the homepage will even offer suggestions, or videos that that person would enjoy.

The website wants to get people interactive with the website as well. Below each video, there is a comments area where viewers can read and post comments of their own. There is also a “thumbs up” or “thumbs down” button that the viewer can press to indicate whether they like or dislike a video. Some videos even allow viewers to upload a video response of themselves underneath certain videos, so that others can view them. The comments, thumbs up/down, and video response allow the viewers to get involved with featured videos; it provides a place for interaction. (What would happen if didn’t offer a place for comments, thumbs up, or other forms of interaction?)

The major theme of is connectivity. It wants to promote an identity of the world’s largest video platform, and center of interaction through videos. With the aforementioned features, has definitely proven itself to be an online video broadcasting titan. An innocent video post could turn into a cultural epidemic because so many users are connected over; take for instance, “My New Haircut,” or “Bed Intruder Song.” Within weeks, these videos became extremely popular on a nationwide scale, sparking responses that range from your next door neighbor to Conan O’Brien. Whenever I am sitting at a computer in the library, or see someone who is surfing the web during class, I am almost always guaranteed to see that person watching a video, or soon about to be watching a video. It has become such a significant part of our ever growing technological age, and I can see it only getting bigger in the years to come.

Tuesday, March 1, 2011

Individual Post Group 6 - Question 4

The advertisement has one direct appeal to its audience. Toward the end of the commercial, the narrator says that the beer has "the great pilsner taste you love." When the narrator says "you," he is referring to young, single men. They are the target audience for this commercial.

This is true because the commercial has many elements that are meant to appeal to young, single men. The first way that they try to appeal to them is by using a dating service type ad. Usually only single men date! The second way that they appeal to their audience is by using a beautiful woman in their advertisement. Her presence in the ad will keep most men watching the commercial. The advertisement makes it seem as if the man is talking aboujt the woman when he says that the relationship is going very well, and that it is just as good on the 30th day as it was on the first day. The ad then shows the viewer that the man is talking about his beer, so the viewer is lead to believe that the Miller Lite can make them as happy as the man was with the woman.

The author of the commercial believes that single men are his audience. I think that the writer believes that he is the same as his audience. He believes that men should have a passion for what they drink. He believes that men should love Miller Lite as if it were their beautiful significant other.

Individual Post-Group Six-Question Five

This advertisement clearly has an effect on its viewers. The commercial truly plays with our minds; the romantic scenes set up an initial thought of an advertisement for and with quotes such as, “I was pretty skeptical at first, I just didn’t think I would find something that would last.” Furthermore, the man exclaims “it has been almost thirty days now, and it’s still as great as it was on day one.” Soon after these quotes we realize that what we thought were words of emotion towards his female lover were actually speaking of the draft beer’s promise to be “Fresh for Thirty Days.” This sudden change in the advertisement makes it become more interesting and effective in selling its product.

Viewers know that this isn’t the right way to compare a romance with a woman to a romance with a beer, and viewers realize that the advertisement isn’t trying to tell us to compare the two. Furthermore, once we realize this, we realize how original the advertisement is. The scene and lines of the commercial are quite humorous. The advertisement is catchy and it plays on these characteristics throughout the rest of the commercial.

Once we realize the advertisement clearly has some kind of an effect an effect on its viewers, whether this be through people’s knowledge, values, or ideas, we must ask ourselves if the advertisement is effective enough to sell its product. Through the shocking play out and the humorous lines, does this commercial make the viewers want to get up off the couch and go buy a Miller Lite Home Draft? The viewer is shown the product being advertised within the last ten seconds of the advertisement. Is this enough time? Did the advertisement build up enough suspense to catch the viewer’s attention? I think it did a pretty good job; what do you think?

Group 6 Blog Project

The video we chose is a Miller Lite commercial, found on In the commercial, it shows a man and woman who seem to be carrying on a very healthy relationship. It resembles the sort of ads that are promoting dating sites such as and In the commercial, the man talks about finding “the one”, and he seems very happy. He talks about how they have been together for 30 days. The man and woman are shown doing things that typical couples do, such as throwing popcorn in each other’s mouth, swinging, and kissing. At the end of the commercial, the man and woman are standing in front of a fridge; the man politely says “Excuse me”, and makes his way inside the fridge where a home draft is waiting. The girl seems obviously upset, and to make it even worse, the man excuses himself again so he can grab some chips.

The commercial portrays stereotypes of love and romance within the rhetoric of love. The commercial does this by having the man draw a heart on the window, playing music in the background, and showing the typical couple interaction. It is interesting that Miller Lite can attract the consumers to a product by comparing their home draft with romance, love, and personal relationships. Miller Lite seems to be saying that their beer is more important than romance and relationships. The commercial is unique because the man has that type of love towards the beer. In a way, it is saying that every man should have that same shared love towards beer, especially Miller Lite.

We thought that this commercial was interesting, because of the stereotypes of love connecting with such an unexpected ending. A possible viewer would not expect this commercial to be a beer commercial, until they see the last 10 seconds of this commercial. A majority of comments that were posted on were made by men. A few of the comments ask about the girl, saying how hot she is, and others talk about how anyone could choose a beer over such a beautiful woman.

Group 6 Individual Post - Question 2

For this commercial, some people thought the context was funny and others did not. There were even arguments taking place in the comments that followed. Some people thought that this played straight into the stereotypical man and portrayed them in a bad light. Other people thought this commercial was very funny and they had to watch it again. This commercial apparently stuck out in people's minds because one comment said that they were going to go buy one right then and there.

I agree with the people who thought the commercial was funny. Humorous methods are used in advertisements for many different products. It makes them easy to watch and remember. If this was a boring commercial that just talked about Miller Home Draft, people would not remember it nearly as well as they most likely will after watching this version. This commercial could be take many different ways. It all comes down to one question. Is this commercial humorous or just down right offensive?