Tuesday, March 1, 2011

Individual Post-Group Six-Question Five

This advertisement clearly has an effect on its viewers. The commercial truly plays with our minds; the romantic scenes set up an initial thought of an advertisement for match.com and eHarmony.com with quotes such as, “I was pretty skeptical at first, I just didn’t think I would find something that would last.” Furthermore, the man exclaims “it has been almost thirty days now, and it’s still as great as it was on day one.” Soon after these quotes we realize that what we thought were words of emotion towards his female lover were actually speaking of the draft beer’s promise to be “Fresh for Thirty Days.” This sudden change in the advertisement makes it become more interesting and effective in selling its product.

Viewers know that this isn’t the right way to compare a romance with a woman to a romance with a beer, and viewers realize that the advertisement isn’t trying to tell us to compare the two. Furthermore, once we realize this, we realize how original the advertisement is. The scene and lines of the commercial are quite humorous. The advertisement is catchy and it plays on these characteristics throughout the rest of the commercial.

Once we realize the advertisement clearly has some kind of an effect an effect on its viewers, whether this be through people’s knowledge, values, or ideas, we must ask ourselves if the advertisement is effective enough to sell its product. Through the shocking play out and the humorous lines, does this commercial make the viewers want to get up off the couch and go buy a Miller Lite Home Draft? The viewer is shown the product being advertised within the last ten seconds of the advertisement. Is this enough time? Did the advertisement build up enough suspense to catch the viewer’s attention? I think it did a pretty good job; what do you think?


  1. When you told us that this commercial did not seem to compare with romances, I agreed with you. In my opinion, this commercial rather concentrate on humors, or products.

  2. It was a very effective advertisement, not just because the idea of a draft in your fridge is original but the presentation was humorous and attention grabbing. Anyone offended by the joke probably needs to stop taking it so seriously and laugh.

  3. I don't think the advertisement does a great job of advertising the product its self. After I watched this I knew that the commercial was about a beer, but the name of the beer didn't stick in my head as much. I feel that this does a good job of advertising beer, but not Miller Light specifically.

  4. I think that this commerical does a good job in selling the product. This commercial makes the product stick in my head and makes me interested in wondering if it really does last that long. The humor, I think, is the main selling point of this ad. It is funny and makes the product rememberable.

  5. The questions you brought up were interesting, and I thought that this ad would also be very effective towards it's ideal audience: young, single men. But the ad may fail when one takes into account the other members of the audience like women or older men. Comparing a new relationship with a woman to beer is lost on straight women or men who have been married for years.

  6. I agree that this commercial was effective. I think the addition of humor to the commercial by the ending not being an online dating commercial kept the product in your head. I am sure when many people go to the store to buy beer that they will think of this commercial when they see the home draft. Also, the product itself is creative so that in itself will attract consumers.

  7. This advertisement has a sort of surprise humor effect. You think that your watching a dating commercial but then at the end they surprise with a beer commercial. I found this to be pretty humurous and of course made it stick in my mind. Which makes it effective.

  8. I believe that even though we only see the actual product at the very end of the commericial, it is effective. When you are listening to the qualities the speaker is describing in the beginning of the commercial (when you think he is talking about his relationship with the woman)the "product" in this case the relationship, seems appealing. When you then transfer those qualities to the beer and compare them to the beautiful woman displayed, the beer seems appealing as well. I believe it is a very effective commercial.

  9. I think the commercial is effective. It's humorous which is favorable to viewers and makes them want to purchase the product. We buy what we favor and what appeals to us. The commercial wasn't meant to offend viewers. It used original humor to sell its product. Also the fact that they chose a beautiful women, makes the commercial more appealing and holds your focus.
