Tuesday, March 1, 2011

Group 6 Individual Post - Question 2

For this commercial, some people thought the context was funny and others did not. There were even arguments taking place in the comments that followed. Some people thought that this played straight into the stereotypical man and portrayed them in a bad light. Other people thought this commercial was very funny and they had to watch it again. This commercial apparently stuck out in people's minds because one comment said that they were going to go buy one right then and there.

I agree with the people who thought the commercial was funny. Humorous methods are used in advertisements for many different products. It makes them easy to watch and remember. If this was a boring commercial that just talked about Miller Home Draft, people would not remember it nearly as well as they most likely will after watching this version. This commercial could be take many different ways. It all comes down to one question. Is this commercial humorous or just down right offensive?


  1. I think that the commercial is meant to be funny and should be taken that way. I don't think that this commercial is offensive in any way. It is just another funny commerical whose company is just trying to sell their product, and I think it is effective in that way.

  2. I think when looking at commercials you hvae to realize that the point of the ad is to sell the product, not make a statement about what a relationship shouls be. The director of the ad might be the nicest guy and treat his girlfriend like royalty, but realize that humor and mocking the commercials like eharmony is what is going to sell his product. I think this commercial is just meant to be humorous (and is funny). It is memorable and persuasive because of it's use of humor.

  3. i agree with the use of humor to sell a product, especially beer. this was likely aired during a sporting event so the majority of viewers were probably watching the game with friends. humor sells the product in this instance.

  4. I do not think that this commercial is offensive at all, and you bring up a very interesting point in asking so. There are many people that look far too into advertisements and their meaning. What could simply be a joke could be read as an offensive slur towards a certain gender, race, age group, etc.

    It's important to remember that this is just an ad, it isn't an article in a newspaper! It's also important to remember that this man is not a representation of all men.

    Honestly, this ad made me want to go out and buy a miller light home draft!

  5. I could see how this could be offensive a little to women but nothing to get really upset about. It was not meant to make guys look heartless or women look worthless, it was just meant for a laugh and that you remember the product. I see this commercial all the time and it is hard not to laugh when he just walks around her to get to his beer and chips. It was a very effective commercial because of its humor and that is why humor is used so much in the Super Bowl ads, because it works. There should be nothing offensive that people that are commenting about, just meant to make fun of love situations.

  6. I believe using some homorous method in commercial is a good strategy. Likewise, if this commercial did not use any kinds of humor method, viewers will not remember well. I am no exception in this condition.

  7. I think the commercial is funny rather than meant to show the stereotypical man. The video displays a good romantic relationship between a couple until the appearence of the Budlite. So the commercial use a funny ending to contrast the former impression plant in viewers' minds in order to draw viewers in.
